sharp edge – edge breaks

sharp edge - edge breaks

VisionGauge OnLine’s Edge Breaks tool is capable of automatically locating edge breaks on sharp edges.

Automated edge break measurements – 2

Automated edge break measurements

VisionGauge OnLine’s Edge Breaks tools filters out spurious noise for a best-fit line and has user-selectable parameters – for example to allow a certain variation in distance (Delta) from the calculated line before selecting the edge break.

Automated edge break measurements – 1

Automated edge break measurements - 1

VisionGauge OnLine’s Automated Edge Breaks tool includes parameters to filter out noise and a tolerance for allowed distance from the calculated line. There are no limitations to the line angle at which lines meet. Results are completely operator-independent.

VisionGauge® Counting and Sizing

VisionGauge® Counting and Sizing

You can also specify an ROI so only a target area of the image is considered. The image can be analyzed in various color channels: Luminance, Hue, Saturation, and the different Gamma colors. Selecting objects in the field of view using these channels greatly enhances your ability to produce highly-accurate results.

Part Groups Interface in the VisionGauge OnLine software

Part Groups Interface in the VisionGauge OnLine software

Part Groups help group inspections in different fields-of-view, allowing you to build an overall inspection ‘map’ of a part that does not fit entirely in the camera’s field-of-view at once. You can revisit inspection areas and track the individual Pass/Fail results of each area, as well as combining Pass/Fail results into a single overall result.