VisionGauge® Pattern Matching Tools to Identify, Locate, and Verify Objects & Features

VisionGauge® has powerful pattern matching tools adapted to solve a wide range of applications. These tools can be used to identify and accurately locate objects in images and features on objects. There are absolutely no limitations on the number of objects and features. They can act as feature and object recognition tools and detect multiple instances of parts and features.

VisionGauge’s® pattern matching tools:

  • Are adapted for arbitrary objects & features
  • Are robust to additional parts & features in the image
  • Can handle partial occlusion and are robust to partial deformations
  • Are suited to arbitrary orientations
  • Can deal well with variations in illumination and are tolerant to noise

Their performance has been optimized and they are fast. They are very flexible and widely-applicable. And they are very easy to setup and very easy to use. VisionGauge’s® pattern matching tools are perfect to locate objects and features and carry out defect detection.

Screw pattern matching pattern
Pattern matching tools examples

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Machine Vision Products Application Bulletins: